Saturday 23 June 2012

The New Challenge!

I had problems with the old challenge.  I had set aside 2 hours a day to complete to complete the daily word count.  Instead of taking 2 hours to complete it, it took 4 hours.  I don't have enough spare time for 4 hours and I'm really out of practice with writing so I decided that 300 words a day would be better.

So next month I'll be starting the new challenge to do 9k words in a month.  Unfortunately that means it's going to take nearly a year to complete the rought draft.  Things are so busy these days that I have no choice.  The days when I had time to complete 50k words in a month are long gone.  I suppose I could still do it but the novel wouldn't be as high in quality.

I look forward to the new challenge.  If all goes well I'll be doing again the month after that.

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