Saturday, 28 February 2015

Another rough draft done!

I completed the rough draft on Friday but didn't have time to update until now.  That is the third rough draft I have done so far with these novels.  That means there is seven more to go before I started editing them.  I'm hoping to get two more of them done this year.  Probably the second book in the main series 'The Frozen Danastri' and one of the novellas.  I'm thinking that I might do 'Stevric the Prince' but not sure yet.
I'm giving myself a break for a week and then I'll be doing school work for the rest of the month.  Not looking forward to that as much as I find the writing to be more entertaining.  But school work is a necessary evil.  (I do know that some people really enjoy it).  
On the more personal side of things, I have been doing a lot of cleaning and organising as well as baking.  
I've been taking a bit of a break from art.  I did about 24 pictures in two months.  So I definitely needed a break from it.  
I'm really looking forward to when I get writing The Frozen Danastri again.  Anyway, time to celebrate having completed another book! :)

Monday, 23 February 2015

Another Update. 18000 words. Nearly done!

I've nearly finished Minira the Enchanter.  I only have a couple more chapter to do.  And that's part of the problem.  At this point in the word count I'm only supposed to have one more chapter to do.  I got a bit behind in my storyline and looks like the book is going to turn out a little longer.  I'm guessing that it will end up being 22k instead of 20k words.
I'm hoping to get the book done by the end of the week.  I'm also doing a bit of spring cleaning and it's tough getting both done at the same time.
With this series I didn't actually start with writing the first book, which doesn't make sense I know.  But the idea for this book was so strong in my mind that I felt compelled to write it.  It is also kind of useful that the first book in the series isn't a lead up to it anyway.  Then after that I'll be finishing the second book in the main series.  And after that I'm not sure which book from which series I'm going to write.  I was thinking maybe one of the novellas again or maybe even the second book in The War of Two Knights series.  
Anyway, I'll post something again when Minira the Enchanter is complete.  Then I'll be giving myself a reward like going out to dinner.  Really looking forward to that! :)

Sunday, 15 February 2015

I really need to update more often!

My last update was in May last year.  I'm intending to update my blog here more regularly.  I've been doing of writing but not much as I'd like to my husband's health problems and some of my own.  I had a problem for years that caused difficulty walking and it turned out that it was a medication causing it. If only I'd known sooner.  

When health problems aren't in the way I will be doing a lot more writing.  I'm slowly finishing the novella I'm currently working on called 'Minira the Enchanter.' I've also started studying in the past few months.  I'll be spending at least 3 years doing courses about writing.  The reason for this is because I don't want the risk of my novels not doing well.  I've read a fair few books about writing over the years and didn't feel that was enough.  I felt I needed some sort of education.  I'm glad I've written novels before so I've got something to work with when learning about novel writing.

When this novella is finished I'll be spending a much needed month on my course, then I'll be going back to the second book in the main series 'The Frozen Danastri.' I'm only 10% of the way through that and it's a much larger book.

In my spare time, when I'm not writing I've been doing a lot of new art and that is noticeable with my website.  There is also a lot more I've yet to upload.  I've been trying a lot of new things with my art and not always illustrating my novels.

I'm having a lot of difficulty having patience with my writing.  I can't wait until I get to publish it all.  But I need to finish the course and then go back and edit my work.

I'll hopefully be posting again in a few days time.  Remember to check the word count progress in that bar on the right.  I've also added it to my website. :)