Saturday, 11 May 2013

I'm back!!! :)

I've been neglecting this blog.  Not intentionally.  I've been busy and I've had things to sort out.

So, for an update...
I've got an ipad.  I bought a keyboard for it so I can use it for writing.  I've tried doing some writing on it and it works very well.  It's small and lightweight so it's easy to take with me if I want to go somewhere.  I've been using it for all my writing as it is so comfortable to use.  I would definitely recommend that other writers get one!

I've got a job doing filing for a local factory.  It's part time work and I don't mind it.  I'd much rather be making a living off writing but I can't complain really because the job helps pay the bills.

I've been doing a lot of reading of late.  I've finished reading book-in-a-month.  I'll be posting a review on it here at some point.  I'll also be occasionally posting book reviews here in general as I finish reading them so stay tuned.  At the moment I'm reading Selina Fenech's book 'Emotionally Charged' and it's a lovely book.  I'm also reading the book 'The Productive Writer' and have discovered a few interesting tips in it to help with motivation.  I really need that at the moment.  After I've finished with those two I intend to read 'Memory's Wake' and 'Nail Your Novel.'

I've mentioned the title for my series of novels on deviantart.  The title is 'The Dawnshield Legends.' Most of the novels will be 80,000 or 90,000 words but some will be only 40,000 or 50,000.

I've also been doing some art and illustrations for my series and I've already started to release them.  Check out my deviantart page here: for illustrations.  Check out my facebook page for daily or almost daily updates on my progress, my illustrations and anything else.  Here's the link:

Anyway, that's all for now. :)